Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I love Tivo. Really, I love Tivo. I tried an integrated DVR in my Dish system, and its features were so far behind I bought a second Tivo. I have given away several Tivos as gifts. Did I mention that I love Tivo?

I have kept a partial list over time of features I think could/should be added.

This list ignores big things like the ability to download movies for future viewing instead of using Netflix, the ability to share files P2P over the net, etc. Instead it is focused on small, feature based changes.

My theory is that Tivo was born fully formed, like the Apple Macintosh, and has such huge feature and usability advantages that it seems like no one will ever catch up. I think they need to release new versions with new, cool features, on a regular basis to maintain distance from competition and to keep the core user base excited and busy proselytizing. Did I mention that I love Tivo?

1: Ability to move the time bar to the side, or eliminate it. It gets in the way.
2: Ability to tell Tivo not to change the channel while you are watching a show unless it is for something you specifically told it to record (not one of its suggestions)
3: Ability to lengthen buffer.
4: Ability to make buffer persistent.
5: Ability to select multiple shows for a single action (delete all checked, save until x date, etc.)
6: Slow sound (Ability to listen when playing slowly by having sound come buffered at you every couple of seconds)
7: Fast sound (Ability to listen to sound when playing at 2x speed (I can do this with my DVD))
8: Ability to tell Tivo to record a show, even if it will miss the beginning due to another recording (2 shows start at 9PM. The first is a half hour long. The second is an hour long. Have it record the first show and half of the second.) Similarly, if you have added a buffer to deal with, for example, a sports event that might go long, have it pick up the next show already in progress.
9: Selectable forward skip (I know there are work-arounds for this)
10: Better web functionality (ability to program wish lists, etc.)
11: Undelete files deleted until they are actually gone like on a PC.
12: Built in wifi
13: A Tivo radio for off the air recording as well as XM/Serius.
14: Internet radio recording software like Replay Radio.
15: Google type search functionality for shows.


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