Monday, May 16, 2005

Talk amongst yourselves. I'll provide the topic:

Was Nixon the last liberal president? If you can overlook the whole Watergate, attack on the constitution thing it is interesting to look at the record:

1: Ended Vietnam War (ok, he made it worse first, but still)
2: Established EPA
3: Began normalizing relations with "Red" China (as opposed to "fake little island government likes to call itself" China),
4: Oversaw actual desegregation of schools in the South
5: Supported the ERA (Speaking of the ladies, did you know that Pat Nixon's original name was Thelma Ryan?)
6: Signed the Clean Air Act
7: Raised taxes and established a revenue sharing system which redirected funds to the state and municipal levels.
8: Expanded Head Start program
9: Expanded Social Security benefits
10: Pressed for detente with the Soviet Union
11: Imposed a wage price freeze. Simultaneously he removed the United States from the gold standard. The freeze was replaced by complex system of wage price controls. Hardly a free market crusader!
12: Signed the ABM treaty
13: Supported affirmative action


Anonymous Anonymous said...

14. Fellow pontificator Betty points out that Millhouse (no, not the creepy FOB [Friend of Bart] on "The Simpsons") also appointed Justice William Brennan, author of the much maligned Roe v. Wade opinion and other such liberal goodies.

6:54 PM  

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