Saturday, May 06, 2006

If Military Power was Sufficient to Defeat Terrorism.....

Israel would be the safest place in the world. And it isn't.

If you don't believe me, check out In 2005 3,225 Palestinians were killed by Israelis and 950 Israeli Jews were killed by Palestinians. Even if you ignore the Palestinians - and why not, everyone else does - the numbers are staggering. 72% of Israel's population of 7 million are Jews. That calculates out to about 5 million souls.

So about 1 out of 5,000 Israeli Jews were killed last year by terrorism. 9/11, the most dramatic terrorism attack in U.S., and arguably world history, killed 1 in 100,000 Americans. So on a pro-rata basis, every year the Israeli's go through an event 20 times worse than 9/11. Every year.

I know the analogy, like all analogies, is flawed. Still, as that scum sucker Britt Hume once said about some lie he told on Fox - "Its illustrative of something."

War on Terror. War on Poverty. War on Drugs.

Not a real war in the bunch, unless you have adopted the revised meaning of literal as figurative. So there is a literal war on terror, and a literal war on poverty, and a literal war on drugs. And I could literally eat a horse. Mmmmm, horse.

War without end. The long war. Undeclared wars.

If the Israeli experience tells us anything it is that a great military can win battles. Iraq tells us that we can overthrow a government. By the way, lets call this conflict what it is - Gulf War II - The Overthow of Saddam. Or, more skeptically - Gulf War II - Finishing up Poppy's Business.

What we need to learn is that, in the long run, this is a PR war. We win by NOT making people hate us faster than we can kill them.


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