Sunday, February 12, 2006

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Dynamite

While the Moslem world freaks out over a bunch of cartoons, some of which were actually published in a Danish newspaper, lets not forget that the Taliban blew up ancient statues of the Buddah. Nary a word of condemnation from the Islamic world.

As I would have said as an eight year old - Takes One to Know One!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not true about other muslim countries not taking a stand. From a 3-2-01 AP article:

"In Tehran, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Assefi condemned the decision.

``Unfortunately, the Taliban's destruction of the statues has cast doubt on the comprehensive views offered by Islamic ideology in the world,'' he said, according to the official Islamic Republic News Agency. ``Clearly, the world's Muslims pin the blame on the rigid-minded Taliban.''

In Afghanistan's civil war, Iran supports the northern alliance of ousted president Burhanuddin Rabbani against the ruling Taliban.

In Egypt, the chief Muslim cleric, Grand Mufti Nasr Farid Wasel, told the London-based Arabic daily Al Hayat that keeping the statues is not forbidden by Islam.

In comments published Friday, he said such statues, like Egypt's Pharaonic monuments, bolster the economies of Islamic countries through tourism."

4:10 PM  
Blogger Howard said...

OK, fair enough, I stand corrected. There was SOME reaction. And certainly lots of individual muslims reacted with appropriate horror and dismay to this misdeed.

That said, one can't dispute that the level, extent, or intensity of reaction was nowhere near the same. Happily, there were no riots, no one was killed, no buildings destroyed in reaction to the destruction.

I understand that extremists have used the cartoons for their political ends, but the man, indeed the mob in the street must be held responsible for buying into the call to arms.

In law school I learned that not every injury is a tort. Well noinsulting cartoon justifies violence.

2:15 PM  

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