Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Catastrophic Presidency of George W. Bush

You heard the phrase here first. Posterity is going to glue catastrophic and W together like Lewis and Martin, New Jersey and Exit, and statutory and rape.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush's More Recent Catastrophe:
Apparently, our nation is so weak and fragile that we must violate civil rights and ignore our most basic freedoms just to preserve our freedom and cherished way of life. We condone and commit torture (that's another blog) and we wiretap phones and intercept emails of potential suspects without first obtaining a court's warrant to do so.
The "spin doctors" (especially that dick, Cheney, and AG Alberto Gonzalez) sent out to justify and rationalize illegal wiretapping have never said: (1) exigent circumstances prevent us from obtaining court approval; (2) the process is too difficult and cumbersome (it's not); or (3) that the government has been denied warrants (secret courts have given near carte blanche in the hunt for terrorists). Nope, the Bush Administration's' rationalization is that the federal government is authorized to violate the United States Constitution in the wake of 9/11. Why? Because we are afraid of terrorists.
So much for the US being the world's beacon of light, the one nation that consistently follows the rule of law and values freedom above all else. When we ignore our own values and adopt the practices of terrorists, THE TERRORISTS WIN. We have once again blurred the line between the good guys and the bad guys, and we give moral power to those who claim we're capitalist pigs just after Middle Eastern oil.
And where is Congress' outrage? The collective silence of 535 Senators and Representatives is downright deafening.
Finally, I hope that by typing the word Al Queda (Al Qaeda, etc.) that prying goverment eyes will waste time checking this blog. That raises the interesting question: what if we all used words that would be caught by computer fishing programs? bomb, Allah, hmmmm....

2:30 PM  

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